Our Statistical Experience

Croissance have extensive experience providing biostatistical consulting and services from study design and protocol development to study analysis through regulatory requirements and agency meeting representation. Our statistical experience includes pre-clinical, clinical, registration phase, and post-marketing studies.

Engage our biostatisticians to support the planning and biostatistical analysis of your clinical trial and regulatory submissions projects. Or, partner with us to make our biostatistical team your team.

Explore Our Biostatistics Services:

  • Study design
  • Protocol development
  • Strategic statistical consulting
  • Sample size calculations
  • Endpoint development
  • Randomization schemes
  • Statistical analysis plans (SAP)
  • Adaptive Design clinical trial planning, simulation and implementation
  • Statistical tables, data listings, and figures for clinical study reports (CSRs)
  • eCRF design and review
  • Statistical analyses and reports
  • Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses
  • Regulatory Submissions - Regulatory guidance, planning, and meeting representation
  • Integrated safety and efficacy analyses (ISS/ISE/ISM)
  • Data Monitoring Committee (DMC) services
  • SDTM and ADaM dataset preparation (submission-ready dataset packages)

Statistical Programming

Statistical Programming provides a variety of services to understand the effect of a test product on safety, efficacy or other points of interest. Programming works closely with our Biostatistics team to carry out planned analyses which include creation and QC of analysis datasets and tables, listings, and figures (TLFs). Our team ensures accurate results in a timely fashion. Quality control is achieved for the analysis of datasets, tables, listings, and figures via independent programming according to dataset specifications or the SAP, as appropriate to ensure accurate results are provided to Biostatistics before the final statistical review.

In addition, Statistical Programming provides many ad hoc analyses for publication summaries and external/internal review meetings.

  • CDISC and ADaM Submission-ready Dataset Development and Quality Control for Submission Compliance
  • Analysis Dataset Development and Quality Control
  • Analysis Dataset Development and Quality Control for Integrated Summaries of Safety (ISS) and Integrated Summaries of Efficacy (ISE)
  • Tables, Listings, and Figures Development and Quality Control
  • Tables, Listings, and Figures Development and Quality Control for ISS and ISE
  • Interim Analysis Support.
  • Annual Clinical Trial Safety Updates
  • Data Monitoring Committee (DMC), Safety Committee and Endpoint Committee Support.
Your Image


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CRF protocal

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Generating tables
listings graphs reports

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Simplifying clinical
trail data

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